Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Student loans: worse than a stage 5 clinger.

Shopping for student loans can be a frustrating process. Especially when it comes to comparing different amounts, interest rates, and not to mention credit checks. Most college students haven't even had a chance to build up their credit. So they get stuck choosing between high interest loans and high monthly payments beginning the day after graduation. Loans will follow you around for the rest of your life, until you pay them off that is. There is no way of getting out of them.

According to the New York Times website, student loans have surpassed credit card debt for the first time. It is ridiculous to even comprehend how much debt college students have accumulated after they have graduated and received their degree. In my case, I receive benefits from my step-fathers benefits from the Navy to go to college; which means the Veterans Affairs office is paying off most of my tuition. If I didn't have my step-fathers benefits from the Navy, I would definitely be feeling the pinch that many students feel when applying for student loans. I can't imagine having to work two part-time jobs just to help pay off a student loan, on top of being a full time student. It's scary to even think how much higher your total will be after the interest is added onto the payments of the loan. With the current budget cuts, it makes it harder for the average student to be approved for a loan. Let alone pay one off.

So you thought that stage five clinger of an ex-girlfriend was bad? At least you were able to avoid her by gettting a restraining order. Miss out on your loan payments and your the one being served with legal documentation. After you receive your first bill from the loan company, you'll wish you could swap it for that never ending headache from listening to your clingy ex crying about how spending 20 hours a day with her just wasnt enough.